Understanding your ambitions and challenges are key to success. By undertaking an in-depth series of stakeholder interviews, asset and documents review and applying our market knowledge we create a report that offers you a transparent overview of your business together with initial recommendations for solving your most pressing issues.
Having a concrete plan that clearly defines the core purpose of your business, your business ambitions and your end goals and the principle that you need to undertake to achieve them is critical to your ongoing success. Your personalised objective planner will act as your bible and guiding hand as you progress on the journey towards your end goal.
As your business grows you'll go through a number of steep changes that require refocus and training of your existing team and the recruitment of new people to add energy and skills that you have lacked previously. If Media have helped many agencies know what the need,when they ned it and as importantly knowing how to manage the inevitable changes and retain that all important culture.
As you grow, the way that you manage a business needs to evolve. If Media helps you to separate the strategic leadership and direction of your business from the day to day management by defining agendas, attendees, roles and responsibilities in Board and Senior Management Teams. Most importantly this role drives effectiveness through accountability. For those with an existing impactful leadership team we offer individual coaching and mentoring to allow individuals to become effective leaders.
Agencies are a three legged stool - Innovative purpose and exceptional operational delivery are nothing without robust commercial rigour. We help you to create the commercial models and measurement and accountability metrics that you need to understand how your business will make its revenue and how it will manage it through gross margin and overheads through to the bottom line and how it is performing against short, mid and long term targets.
We offer our services in three ways. We help you build a team that will allow you to win, grow and retain clients by providing brilliance of delivery, by planning recruiting, training and development programmes. We help you to define and deliver incentive plans that will attract and retain your key players. We also help you create a strategy for, and to manage the formalisation of your client, partner and supplier networks ensuring that relationships and their obligations are fully and clearly documented.
jeremy.paterson@ifmediaconsultancy.com / 07713 636 999
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